About Us... Bio

Dan has spent over 45 years in the construction industry, 17 years with Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. the largest Concrete Construction Company in the United States. During that time, Dan performed several different responsibilities for the company such as: Manager of Technical and Craft Training in Baker University, Marketing, and Human Resources.

Dan has produced and delivered many seminars related to the concrete construction industry such as Training for the ACI Flatwork Concrete Finisher Certification, Industrial Floor Construction, Architectural Concrete Flatwork and Architectural Concrete Walls, Print Reading for Construction, and NCCER Train-the-Trainer. He has been a speaker for Instituto del Cemento y del Hormigon de Chile (ICH), at Expo Hormigon in Santiago, Chile and a speaker at the World of Concrete.
Dan has worked with many clients as a consultant for the construction of the Architectural Concrete.
Partial Customer List:
Allied Construction Industries, Cincinnati, OH
Baker Concrete Construction, Monroe, OH
Casa De Piedra S.A., La, Nestle Job – Santiago, Chile
CapForm Inc., Dallas TX
Cantera Concrete Company, Tulsa, OK
CBI Constructors, Water Tower Division, Birmingham, AL
Cincinnati Commercial Contracting, Cincinnati, OH
Baker Concrete Construction, Monroe, OH
Casa De Piedra S.A., La, Nestle Job – Santiago, Chile
CapForm Inc., Dallas TX
Cantera Concrete Company, Tulsa, OK
CBI Constructors, Water Tower Division, Birmingham, AL
Cincinnati Commercial Contracting, Cincinnati, OH
Commodore Constrcution, Mt. Vernon, NY
Dayton Superior, Miamisburg, OH
George J. Igel Co. Inc., Columbus, OH
Holland Roofing, Florence, KY
ICH Santiago, Chile
International Union of Operating Engineers, Chicago, IL
Intercon Building Corp., Charlotte, NC
Jostin Concrete Construction, Inc. Cincinnati, OH
Keystone Structural Concrete, LTD, Houston TX
Lithko Contracting, Columbus, OH
Murray Decorative Supply, Kansas City, KS
Patterned Concrete of Cincinnati, Fairfield, OH
MetCon, Ltd., Bradford, OH
Pisocreto, Bogotá, Colombia
Riemeier Lumber, Cincinnati, OH
Tru-Wall Concrete, Cincinnati, OH
Washington Metro Transit Authority, Washington, DC
Wieser Brothers, Le Crescent, MN
Dayton Superior, Miamisburg, OH
George J. Igel Co. Inc., Columbus, OH
Holland Roofing, Florence, KY
ICH Santiago, Chile
International Union of Operating Engineers, Chicago, IL
Intercon Building Corp., Charlotte, NC
Jostin Concrete Construction, Inc. Cincinnati, OH
Keystone Structural Concrete, LTD, Houston TX
Lithko Contracting, Columbus, OH
Murray Decorative Supply, Kansas City, KS
Patterned Concrete of Cincinnati, Fairfield, OH
MetCon, Ltd., Bradford, OH
Pisocreto, Bogotá, Colombia
Riemeier Lumber, Cincinnati, OH
Tru-Wall Concrete, Cincinnati, OH
Washington Metro Transit Authority, Washington, DC
Wieser Brothers, Le Crescent, MN
Association Involvement:
PAST Chairman, ACI C640 – Craftsman Certification
Present Secretary and Past Chairman, ACI 303 – Architectural Cast in Place Concrete
Past Chairman, E703-Construction Practices
Adjunct Professor for Northern Kentucky University
Former NCCER Certified Master Trainer
Author of Print Reading for Construction, by Goodheart-Wilcox Co. Inc.
Author of Instructors PowerPoint for Print Reading for Construction
Speaker at ExpoHormigon, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2008 & 2010
Speaker at the world of Concrete 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009 & 2013
Concrete Decor Show 2014
Member ASCC since 2010
Bachelor of Architecture, University of Cincinnati, OH 1977